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(代購) Kobashi 蒸餾佛手柑精油 Bergamot Distilled Oil (FCF 不致光敏)

容量 Volume



KOBASHI 精油代購:只接受 $800 元或以上之訂單,由英國寄回香港需大約 7 個工作天,商品到港後會以「順豐到付」寄出。 We only accept Kobashi pre-order upon spending $800. Shipment from UK to Hong Kong takes approximately 7 working days. After arriving Hong Kong, the goods will be delivered by SF Express (Freight Collect).


Original information from Kobashi Official Website:


Relaxing, refreshing, excellent for skin care - especially oily or blemished. Add 1 drop to cool boiled water as a mouthwash, and breath freshener. No Bergapten: By distilling Bergamot furanocoumarins are removed.


LATIN NAME: Citrus bergamia.
SOURCE: cold expressed form fruit peel.
COLOUR: dark cloudy olive brown green.
ORIGIN: Ivory coast and Calabria Italy
AROMA: Sweet, citrus lemony mandarin like - with a fresh green note.

QUALITIES: Relaxing, refreshing, excellent for skin care - especially oily or blemished skin.

Our distilled Bergamot is bergapten free.

True Bergapten free Bergamot cost slightly more to make as it must be fractionated and tested for the bergapten content. Bergapten free Bergamot is clear in colour and lighter sweeter in Aroma than cold pressed.

The people of Calabria Italy's Bergamot workers where most of the Bergamot is produce, pick and process Bergamot in the sun and seem to be very healthy. In fact, one of Kobashi suppliers said, he does not know of any cases where the workers had any health problems.

It seems as though Nature in the whole has balancing mechanism that are not there when you isolate one chemical.
