Original information from Kobashi Official Website:
LATIN NAME: Salvia sclarea.
SOURCE: Steamed distilled from the flowering plant.
COLOUR: Clear light yellow.
ORIGIN: United Kingdom
AROMA: clear, nutty, sweet, grassy, heady, exotic.
QUALITIES: Soothing and relaxing, often described as euphoric. It is said to encourage pleasant dreams. A helpful oil for many 'female' conditions. Ideal for mature skin and greasy hair as it can help reduce the production of excessive sebum, especially on the scalp. An excellent preparation for use as a nerve tonic. Useful to treat symptoms associated with the menopause such as night sweating. Scientific study shows it's effective against viruses.
Long used as a flavouring in wines: some of the most famous brands of old Rhine wine possess a characteristic clarysage-like top note. Cultivated during Middle Ages for its medicinal properties. It is used extensively in perfumes, for its delightfully rich, rather unique top note, which helps in the fixation of aroma blends.
A biennial and member of the Lamiaceae family, clarysage grows up to one metre high, it has wrinkled, strong smelling leaves,also bicoloured cream and lilac flowers which appear in spring and summer. Related to common sage.
It is native to southern Europe and cultivated in the Mediterranean, Russia, USA, England, Morocco, and central France. It needs a fairly dry climate. Considered safer to use in home aromatherapy than officinalis.