首頁 / 退貨及退款政策
訂單一經確認不能取消,包括以下情況亦不接受取消訂單: 1) 等候發貨時間太長 (因人手製作需時) 2) 速遞公司延誤送遞時間 收到貨品即日起(以簽收日期為準),為顧客提供「7日內有條件換貨」的服務。 為避免雙方發生爭議,當顧客收到包裹後,請即時檢查產品是否完整。 換貨條件: 1) 產品損壞 2) 錯誤發配產品(產品需保持未開封的完整狀態) 請清楚拍攝該件產品有問題的部分,並盡快與我們聯絡換貨。 以下情況,不可換貨: 1) 派遞期間導致的任何破損 2) 錯誤發配的產品已開封使用 3) 若產品因顧客個人不當拆卸包裝所產生的人為因素造成損毀、髒污、包裝不完整等等 4) 因品質、顏色、包裝與顧客的個人主觀預期有出入 *ATELIER AROMA HONG KONG保留一切最終的決定權 Once order is confirmed, cancellation of order will not be accepted, including in the following cases: 1) Waiting time for goods delivery (due to manual production time) 2) Deliver delay caused by courier company From the moment of receiving the goods (subject to the date of receipt), the service of "conditional exchange within 7 days" will be provided. In order to avoid disputes between the two parties, when customers receive the parcel, please immediately check whether the goods are in normal condition. Exchange conditions: 1) Product damage 2) Wrong distribution of goods (The goods need to be kept in an unopened intact state) Please clearly photograph the problematic part of the product, and contact us as soon as possible for exchange. In the following cases, no exchange is provided: 1) Any damage caused during delivery 2) The wrongly distributed goods have been opened for use 3) If the goods are damaged, dirty, incompletely packaged which caused by human factors such as improper disassembly of packaging 4) Discrepancy of quality, color and packaging of the goods from customers' personal expectation *ATELIER AROMA HONG KONG reserves the right of final decision